Southern Water

Southern Water have been wrongly charging customers for surface water drainage fees for many years. If the property you live was built in 2001 or later and/or you know it has a SOAKAWAY, register now to see if you qualify to claim ££££s.

How Much Could You Claim?

For many years, Southern Water has added a standard fees of around £25-30 per year for drainage of surface water (i.e. rain) to bills for virtually every home it serves in the South East.  However, as many as 1 in 5 of these homes DO NOT use the Southern Water drainage network and SHOULD NOT be charged this fee.  This is because the rainwater to these homes is drained away by a "soakaway" and/or by natural means (e.g. streams). 

If you know you have a soakaway, or if your home was built in 2001 or later (when building regulations changed to ensure that developers installed soakaways wherever possible) it is highly likely you can claim back the money you have been wrongly charged, plus interest.  So, if you have lived in your current home for 15 years and do not use the Southern Water drainage network, you could potentially claim back approximately £25-30 for each of those 15 years, plus interest.

See If You Qualify To Claim

Current home has a soakaway and/or built in 2001 or later?

Have you lived there for 6 or more years?

Do you pay Southern Water for your water services?

No-Win-No-Fee claims typically paid out within 3-6 months.

United Utilities Water logo

Southern Water provides water, drainage and sewerage services to the South East of England.  If you are supplied by Southern Water and have lived in your current home for 6+ years, you are likely to be able to claim a higher than average amount, if eligible.

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